Avoiding Slips, Trips and Falls

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slips trips and falls Slips, trips and falls are one of the most common types of liability claims that business owners face. Some of the ways slips, trips and falls can occur include:
  • Wet flooring
  • Uneven walking surface
  • Trip hazards in work areas, like extension cords
These kinds of claims can be costly and lead to lawsuits for businesses without insurance – creating a potential significant impact on your small business. That’s why small business insurance is important to have because it can help protect you and your business from a slip, trip and fall claim.
Find out more about slips, trips and falls and how simple things like good housekeeping can help reduce your risk.

The Key to Workplace Safety

There’s not an easy solution to the slips, trips and falls problem. Because of the different causes that can lead to a slip, trip and fall, it’s not uncommon for many business owners to use several methods to try to avoid risks. One key to slip, trip and fall prevention is creating a safe environment for customers, staff and guests.
Some of the things you can do to help prevent slips, trips and falls include:
  • Walkways and walking areas to make sure they’re not slippery and clear of debris.
  • Using technology to reduce risks such as motion detectors or signage above doors to help control access to your building.
  • Creating a prevention and management strategy which should address checking parking lots, walkways, staircases and lobby areas for risks.

What Is the Most Common Cause of Slips, Trips and Falls?

Many different hazards can lead to slips, trips and falls. Some of the most common slips, trips and falls in real estate and businesses include:
  • Wet flooring
  • Tripping hazards
  • Slippery surfaces
Preventing slips, trips and falls will require work and time. It’s a good idea to make sure you clean up spills right away and post signs notifying customers and clients of any wet floors.

How Can I Avoid Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace?

slip trip and fall preventionslips, trips and falls prevention program is a good way to try to avoid these kinds of claims. In addition to reducing potential claims, a slips, trips and falls safety program can also:
  • Demonstrate your business is proactive and actively engaging in the prevention of hazards
  • Establish a procedure and process to preventing incidents
If your business doesn’t have one, it’s not too late to create one. If you need to create a slips, trips and falls prevention program, you may want to include these key areas:
  • Architectural considerations, like using slip-resistant walking surface
  • Corrective preventative action, such as using slip-resistant shoes
  • Weather or spill response procedures, which can include cleaning protocols
  • Customer incident reporting to make sure you and your workers know how to document a slip, trip and fall

What To Do in the Case of a Slip, Trip and Fall

If you have a slip, trip and fall at your business, follow these steps:
  1. Make sure the person is OK. If they need medical treatment, call 911 or administer first-aid treatment.
  2. Document what happened. Note any injuries, how the person fell and try to get a statement.
  3. Take photographs of the area where they fell.
Documenting and keeping records of any slip, trip and fall incidents is important as a business owner. Because if the person sues your business, this information can be used in your business’ defense.
Be aware that if one of your employees had a slip, trip and fall, you may need to file a workers’ compensation insurance claim.

The Hartford Can Help

We know running a business is hard work and that every company faces unique risks. We also understand that slips, trips and falls are common claims that can be difficult to address. We have a team of small business insurance specialists that can help you create a safe environment for your workers and customers. And if a slip, trip and fall happens, we’ve got your back.
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The information contained on this page should not be construed as specific legal, HR, financial, or insurance advice and is not a guarantee of coverage. In the event of a loss or claim, coverage determinations will be subject to the policy language, and any potential claim payment will be determined following a claim investigation.
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